04 | 2017 – Bettina Hörtner receives Chambers Ranking

Again Bettina Hörtner was ranked in Chambers and Partners – together with large international law firms.
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03 | 2017 – LexisNexis Article “Punishment regime of the FINANCIAL MONEY LAUNDERING LAW”

Bettina Hörtner´s guest commentary in LexisNexis.
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04 | 2016 – Bettina Hörtner again ranked in Chambers

For the second time in a row, Bettina Hörtner was ranked in Chambers and Partners.
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12 | 2015 – MANZ book presentation “Compass Law Firm Rankings”

Bettina Hörtner at the discussion panel during presentation of the world’s first book on law firm rankings.
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05 | 2015 – Bettina Hörtner ranked in Chambers

The business magazin FORMAT reports on the Ranking of Bettina Hörtner in the Banking & Finance Section of Chambers and Partners.
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04 | 2015 – Bettina Hörtner ranked in Chambers

The law firm ranking Chambers and Partners has included Bettina Hörtner in Banking & Finance.
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02 | 2013 – Article in „Compliance Praxis”, Issue 2/2013

Securities Supervision: New ESMA-Guidelines on certain aspects of the MiFID compliance function
I discuss from a practical point of view the key issues and the impact of these guidelines.
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10 | 2012 – Bettina Hörtner in the Economic Journal „Wirtschaftsblatt“

On the subject of compliance, being a crucial point in the conclusion of a context, Bettina Hörtner was interviewed by the economic journal „Wirtschaftsblatt“.
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Stock Exchange Act: What means compliance relevant information?
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02 | 2012 – Bettina Hörtner in an interview concerning the implementation of compliance measures.

The renowned magazine SUCCEED spoke with Bettina Hörtner concerning the importance of a correct implementation of compliance measures.
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01 | 2012 – Bettina Hörtner in “Compliance Praxis”

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